How an Austin Texas DWI Lawyer Can Help You

DWI Arrest

Were you recently charged with driving under the influence of alcohol? Do you find yourself stressed about what comes next? If so, then you need to search for and hire an Austin Texas DWI lawyer to represent you in your case.

Doing so can ensure as smooth an experience as possible. They can help you build your case, give you step by step expectations of the process, and so much more.

See below for several ways that a DWI Lawyer in Austin Texas can help you during this stressful and life-changing event. Be sure to consider all of this during your search.

1. Proper Direction

There’s a common misconception about DWI cases in that people believe the arrest and the charge to be the worst of it. Make no mistake about it, your case can get worse if you were to say the wrong thing or make a false move during this process.

Hiring a trusted DWI lawyer isn’t just about finding someone to appear in court to represent you. It’s about finding someone that will be by your side throughout the entire legal process that succeeds the DWI charge.

Your attorney can help manage your expectations, giving you step by step instructions that you can follow. If you follow those directions to a “T”, you have a better chance of reaching a favorable settlement or outcome.

More importantly, they’ll let you know what not to say during this process. If there’s something that will inhibit your case moving forward, your lawyer won’t be afraid to slap your wrist to avoid complicating matters.

It’s completely normal to feel anxious or scared after being charged with a DWI. By hiring an experienced and trusted Austin Texas DWI lawyer, you’ll be giving yourself direction. In doing so, you’ll have more confidence in the case moving forward.

2. Assist With Compiling Evidence

Understandably, if you were charged with a DWI, then you probably weren’t in the right frame of mind to collect evidence for your case. Unfortunately, once you leave the site of the arrest/charge, it’s hard to get that evidence back.

Hiring a DWI lawyer is a key step in compiling evidence. Not only do they have extensive experience with gaining evidence, but they also have specific resources and a larger network to help explore every angle in your case.

This can include things such as gathering different documentation, witness statements, statements from doctors or other experts in their field, and so on. Anything that they can find to give you a favorable outcome or to even prove that you’re innocent.

For example, did you know that if a police officer fails to follow proper procedures during a field sobriety test, then it can discredit the test entirely? If you believe that to be a contributing factor to your situation, you must hire a lawyer right away.

Time is of the essence. The reality is that you don’t have much time to build your case. By hiring an experienced DWI lawyer, you’ll be giving yourself the best chance to do so.

3. Negotiate With the Prosecutor

Experienced DWI lawyers have an immense amount of connections within the legal system. They have established relationships with local prosecutors and know how to approach each one individually.

They can use that relationship to try and negotiate with the opposition and give you a favorable result. From there, they can help you gameplan whether or not to take the offer the prosecutor has proposed.

If you plan to represent yourself in court without a lawyer, you’re essentially throwing the opportunity for a negotiation out the window. Most prosecutors won’t even listen to an offer for negotiation from someone with a lawyer, much less offer them one.

Make sure you hire someone that knows the local system and the prosecutors inside of it. This can pay off in a big way down the line.

4. Explanation

Can you confidently define what a plea bargain is without Googling it? Do you know the difference between a DUI and DWI? Have you any idea what to expect moving forward?

If you answered “no” to any of those questions, you need a DWI lawyer. They’ve spent years studying and perfecting their craft. They have a burning passion for the law and helping people like you get a fresh start.

Your DWI lawyer can explain every part of the process to you in elaborate detail. They can put it into terms that you’ll understand to help you reach a reasonable decision.

5. Experience

Make sure that the lawyer you hire for your case has extensive experience with DWI cases. If you don’t, you could be sabotaging the outcome by mistake.

A DWI lawyer’s experience is everything. The more of it that they have, the better connections they have, the more sources they have, and the better practices they’ve developed along the way.

All of these things can play a huge role in the outcome of your case. If you leave it in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer or decide to represent yourself, you’ll likely have an unfavorable decision.

Hire the Right Austin Texas DWI Lawyer for Your Case

Now that you’ve seen all of the reasons that you need to hire an experienced Austin Texas DWI lawyer, be sure to start your search right away.

If you’ve just been charged with a DWI, be sure to read this article for more information on what to do next after you’ve been charged with one.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further.

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