5 Documents to Show Your Texas DWI Lawyer

DWI Arrest

In any given year, over 1.5 million people in the United States are arrested for driving while under the influence.

The risks of driving while under the influence are life-changing, with heavy legal consequences coming your way that could affect your finances, your career, or your freedom.

What would you do if you found yourself in that situation like that? It’s important to know how your Texas DWI lawyer can help you to arrive at the optimal outcome for your case.

We are here to help with this stressful process, and to let you know the five most important documents that your DWI lawyer will need.

What Is a DWI

Close to 30 people die in car accidents related to drunk driving, so it is no wonder that arrests for driving while intoxicated carry severe consequences.

But what exactly is driving while intoxicated? A DWI occurs when you operate a vehicle with a BAC over .08, and if arrested for such an offense you could be looking at misdemeanor or felony charges. The best way to know how to move forward from a DWI is to talk to your lawyer. There are five documents you will need to get the best consultation possible.

Five Documents Your Texas DWI Lawyer Needs

The best way to know how to move forward from a DWI is to talk to your lawyer. There are five documents you will need to bring to get the best consultation possible:

  1. Record of arrests
  2. Witness information
  3. Medical records
  4. Criminal record
  5. Driving record

A breakdown of each of these documents and their importance can be found below.

Record of Arrests

Arrest records are documents that are created upon being arrested. They document the time, date, place, and occurrence of the arrest, and will provide important information about the crime that will be helpful for your lawyer.

Witness Information

If there were any witnesses to the crime, be sure to provide any contact information that you have for them, whether it’s a name, address, phone number, or even just a physical appearance. Statements from witnesses can be crucial to providing you a strong defense in your case.

Medical Records

Medical records are important because there are a lot of factors that can contribute to a failed sobriety test. It’s important to show your medical records because they can go a long way towards proving your innocence. These records will show what medications you’re prescribed and the effects that they have on your ability to drive safely.

Criminal Record

One of the first things that the prosecution will look to use against you is your criminal record. Providing your Texas DWI lawyer with your criminal record can make a big difference in their ability to put up a strong defense in your case.

Driving Record

Another record that the prosecution could look to use against you, especially if you have previous offenses, is your driving record. It’s important to provide your driving so that you are aware of any fines or tickets you have. That way your record will be as clean as is possible.

The Next Step

If you were arrested for a DWI and need to set up a consultation with experts in Texas DWI Laws, contact us and get scheduled with a Texas DWI lawyer today.

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